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paolo montero中文是什么意思

用"paolo montero"造句"paolo montero"怎么读"paolo montero" in a sentence


  • 保罗蒙特罗


  • Former juventus defender paolo montero has signed a one - year deal with argentina ' s san lorenzo
  • The 19 - year - old is seen by some as the new paolo montero , a former bianconeri stopper , and his agent is ex - juventus player daniel fonseca
  • " i was present and saw some great players of the past years like antonio conte and paolo montero who left without receiving even a flower from the club
    “过去几年,我可是亲眼看到一些伟大的球员,譬如说孔蒂和蒙特罗,他们离开时甚至俱乐部都不会送他们一束花。 ”
  • " the most urgent problem to resolve is regarding the defence , walter samuel ( of inter milan ) appeals to us , he reminds me of the ideal defender paolo montero . ( ajax ' s ) zdenek grygera interests us also
用"paolo montero"造句  
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